The weblog of a traveller

   Jul 18

England II – Manchester

A quick photo post from Manchester:

Apart from spending your budget in the well-equipped malls, the main thing to do for non-footballers was to go exploring. The area is slightly confusing; flat as a plate with no protruding landmarks, coastline or other things to aid orientation, making pathfinding tricky.


Rain poem (click twice for a readable size)

The defining trait of the city is, according to our local trailblazer, the rain. (I would add, the high hair. I was not brave/suicidal enough to get a picture of those extraordinary hairstyles, google Snooki for reference)

Playing with camera

There were a few astonishing pieces of street art in the back streets

Strange structures, make me want to climb them.

Uh, please don’t!

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One Comment

  1. Balanse says:

    Har aldri sett for meg Manchester som det helt store reisemålet for andre enn fotballinteresserte, men artig at du fant noe gatekunst.