The weblog of a traveller

   Sep 03

Home Carved Village

It is like a scout camp only permanent and without the brats!

Handy folks by the entrance

Handy folks by the entrance

Heimspikka village is a gem hidden in the forest close to the Swedish border. A seemingly random group of very different people (occupations spanning from stage artists to computing) with a shared interest in Do-It-Yourself and a combined base of know-how acquired some land just a couple of years back, and without further ado started knocking down a few trees, putting up a shelter or two and inviting folks to help out. In a few seasons, it’s already grown to a well-equipped camp site that can comfortably accommodate a tenfold of happy campers. The spirit is collective, sharing is caring, and should you wish to help out you will be duly accredited with toast and boast. I can see this project grow as a very including community.

It is truly impressive what can be accomplished without the aid of professionals. Go there if you have the chance, get inspired and say hi to Nils the squirrel from me!

Signature totem:

One of several trunkheads

One of several trunkheads

Came for the mead making workshop, stayed for the atmosphere.

Man, look at all that honey!

Man, look at all that honey!

A huge cag of honey brew is now  waiting to become honey wine, making promiseful little blopping sounds next to the warm, cosy server that serves Murmeldyr and other happy sites.

Gotta love it.

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  1. Balanse says:

    Stilig! Bor folk her eller er det på hobbybasis?

  2. Aggie says:

    Ikke lov å bo der per i dag, men om 3 år blir drikkevannskilden ved siden av omregulert, tror det er flere som venter utålmodig på at det skal åpnes for bosetting.

    Han som eier stedet bor jo svært nær da.

  3. Ena Wishum says:

    -.` I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives great information .~”