The weblog of a traveller

   Nov 08


Murmeldyr has moved to a brand new eco-friendly vm-ware server (or am I confusing things, dear sysadmin?), upgraded its core facilities and refurbished the looks. You can almost smell the moist, fresh grass. A good time to add an “about”-section, we like to know what we are dealing with, after all. New is also the collection of independent sites that we’d like to show you because they are crafty of thought-feeding or plain awesome. The Murmeldyr is very happy about the new surroundings, what do you think?

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  1. aggy says:

    Also, a ShareThis option in the bottom of each post. Murmeldyr loves sharing! I’ve made it as small as possible, but please tell me if the mouseover window is buggy or annoying!

  2. Balanse says:

    WElcome to Ecopolis <3