The weblog of a traveller

   Oct 03

Contact details

I realise I’ve been terribly hard to get in touch with lately, so here are my contact details for reference, not least for myself – I reckon myself as good with numbers and carry something in the twenties of PINs, phone nos and other numeral codes in my head, but the mile-long UK phone no’s are still a challenge to memorise.

Phone: 07551202360 (if calling from outside UK add +44 and leave out the first 0) My Norwegian no. is working too, but I tend to leave it at home. Texts is fine, I get them eventually.

Address: 195A Hillhead Halls, Don str, Old Aberdeen AB24 1UW

And there is always facebook and msn. Please ask.

Yargh! Why on earth can’t symbols like /, :, – be in the same place on all keyboards?

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